Bentley will soon ship the newest version of their popular CAD platform. This one has been on the drawing board for several years and has just gone through over a year of 5 levels of user interaction viz their Early Access Program (EAP). Dozens of loyal users have put the EAPs through the paces, sometimes brutally, which will ultimately make MicroStation CONNECT Edition the best, most productive MicroStation ever. The name CONNECT comes from the fact that the user will be able to connect with other members of the design team through the cloud to exchange MicroStation and other files. In addition to its connectedness, MicroStation CONNECT also boasts many new features including a modern, ribbon-bar interface, simplified project setup, parametric design features, and a much more simplified and improved way of creating drawing sheets. All this while still maintaining MicroStation’s strengths of Federated Scalable file structure, AccuDraw, AccuSnap, and design speed.
MicroStation classes at the upcoming August 7-8th Summer SoCal Bentley Bash at Santa Ana College have been authorized to provide a sneak peek at MicroSTation CONNECT. Don’t miss this even which will also have hands-on sessions on MicroStation, InRoads, WaterGEMS, RAM, and a look at the new Bentley Context Capture (formerly Acute Smart3DCapture) for converting a series of photographs to accurate 3D models. Don’t miss out, register today!