Two terrific opportunities are coming up for learning the latest design technologies:
- USC Annual BIM Conference on August 7th, 2015
- Summer SoCal Bentley Bash at Santa Ana College on August 7-8th, 2015
For architects, structural engineers, and educators, both events are worth attending. The USC event this year is on “Visual Programming“. The idea of graphically entering data for parametric design of complex structures. All of the major vendors of this type of software will be there in one place for ease of evaluation and learning. Bentley’s Generative Components is the first of this type of software, often featured at the annual Smart Geometry conferences. Others include Autodesk’s Dynamo and McNeel’s Grasshopper. Check out the flyer for this event.
The Summer SoCal Bentley Bash at Santa Ana College features 20, 3+ hour workshops on a variety of topics of interest to architects, civil and structural engineers, building mechanical engineers, students and educators including BIM, Context Capture, Highway Design and much more. Check it out at A day and a half of training for just $25!